The init status is the centos 7 keeping pop error message about ata, /dev/sda, and then system hang.

Sometimes system keeping running more than one day, sometimes just few hours.

But there is everything fine in smartctl, excepted age.

After system hang several times, decided to change SSD.

  1. have to upgrade motherboard's firmware version to support SSD.

  2. change the SATA port (still not sure does this is issue or not)

  3. For ubuntu installation, have to search live installation image, seach string as ubuntu live minimal image 22, for the minimal installation, that can choice when installation. (minimal or default)

  4. not to install any service when ubuntu installing, that build services based on "snap". some cases that behavor is difference as normal manually install, this might caused no solution on internet. for example, docker. to remove snap => snap list, snap remove docker.

  5. for myself, migrating mongo db folder is a bad idea, using mongorestore.

  6. ubuntu default using LVM for system disk. if not well setting when installing, using df -h and vgdisplay, vgdisplay {vg_name} to get information, then lvextend -l +100%FREE {name, as /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv} resize2fs {name as /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv} to allocate all space into the vg.

  7. ubuntu will spent 2 mins when booting if network is not config well. the booting screen will show start job is running for wait for network to be configured and count down 2 mins. can using systemctl status systemd-networkd-wait-online.service to check status after login, and also networkctl to learn which interface not config well. using cd /etc/netplan; grep -r {interface_name} to get the yaml file that system using. open the file and change to be dhcp4: no, optional: true if no need for the interface. more example.

  8. delete many file might got error, try this find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.*' -delete

  9. after installed ssh, also have to install rsyslog for /var/log/auth log if using minimal installation. without auth log, fail2ban cannot work.

the time spent more than I expected, sigh...


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